Professorship (W2) in Islamic Law

About The Event
The Faculty of History, Arts and Oriental Sciences at Leipzig University
Call for Applications
Application Deadline: January 18, 2019
The Faculty of History, Arts and Oriental Sciences at Leipzig University invites applications for a professorship (W2) in Islamic Law starting as soon as possible. The professorship at the Oriental Institute of Leipzig University addresses both the teaching and research in the field of Islamic Law within a context of historic, social, religious and cultural representations. It also considers the law of Arabic and Islamic countries that is based on secular, non-Islamic sources. Aspects of Islamic law related to issues of migration and integration shall be potential prospects of the portfolio.
The successful candidate demonstrates the necessary language proficiency in Arabic to work with classical and modern-era primary sources.
Several years of relevant teaching and research experience are expected as well as strong involvement in professional, interdisciplinary and international cooperation with institutions in the Arabic and Islamic world. Also desired is experience in the area of social dialogue.
The successful candidate shall initiate projects (e.g. within the research cluster “Global Connections and Comparisons”) at Leipzig University as well as within the University Consortium Halle-Jena-Leipzig.
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