Yemeni Manuscript Collections and Zaydi Studies

About The Event
Date: December 6-7, 2018
Venue: The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA
The conference is part of a larger endeavor aimed at fostering the scholarly exploration of all aspects of Shiism: the “Shii Studies Research Program”,, funded by the Carnegie Foundation.
The School of Historical Studies has received a three-year, $500,000 grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York to explore and elevate the understanding of Shii studies (2016 through 2019). The grant will support two research positions in the School of Historical Studies and create a themed annual conference and workshop aimed at leading scholars in the field. The long term goal of the project funded by Carnegie Corporation is to build a collaborative research and teaching structure focused on Shii Islam with a partner institution, to be identified, in the United States.
Conference topics include:
• the (premodern and contemporary) history of Zaydism in Yemen and in Iran;
• the history and / or current status of Zaydi manuscript repositories, including questions of codicology and material culture;
• history of Zaydi religious and political thought, law and hadith.
More information on: Institute for Advanced Study’s website
The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
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