Islamic Center of America
January 14, 2023 2024-03-06 12:04Islamic Center of America

Islamic Center of America
The Largest & the Oldest Mosque in the USA
The Islamic Center of America traces its history to the 1940s when the growing number of Muslims in the Detroit region brought Imam Mohammed Jawad Chirri from Lebanon in February 1949. The Islamic Center’s new 120,000 sq. ft. mosque opened in May 2005. It is reputed to be the largest mosque in North America and the oldest Shia Mosque in the United States. The Shia Arab population forms the major worshiping group, but Sunnis also pray there, and people of all faiths are welcome. The mosque has space for 1,000 individuals at prayer time.
The Islamic Center of America is one of North America’s oldest institutions. It has been serving the needs of Muslims in the greater Detroit area and throughout the United States.
Center’s mission is to Provide Comprehensive Islamic Services and Education to the North American Muslim and Non-Muslim Communities; furthermore the Center promotes Understanding and Networking with the Community at Large.
The mosque includes a vast meeting hall that can be divided into several smaller rooms, an industrial kitchen, a spacious prayer room, mezzanine, offices, meeting rooms, and a library. Glazed brick was used to veneer two decorative domes at the main entrance and the round mosque at the center of the building. In addition, two 110-foot towers called minarets were erected.
ICOA’s Goals:
• Perpetuate the social, moral, and religious standards of Islam in the United States
• Help Muslims practice Islam as a belief, a behavior, and a way of life
• Conduct programs and establish facilities to preserve and relate the Islamic knowledge to young Muslims
• Provide and facilitate social services including counseling to those in need
• Cherish the bonds of friendship and understanding between Muslims and non- Muslims within the framework of Islam
The mosque operates the Muslim American Youth Academy (MAYA), an Islamic private elementary and middle school. MAYA is a pre-k through 8th grade private Islamic school located in Dearborn, Michigan. They have been in operation for over 20 years. MAYA is relatively homogeneous, both culturally and religiously.
Imam Hassan Al-Qazwini led the center in 1997, several years after Imam Chirri’s passing, and assumed the role of religious leader for 18 years. The Islamic Center of America outgrew its original Detroit location and in 2005 moved to its present location on Ford Road in Dearborn. The Detroit Mosque at the center’s original site is now known as the Az-Zahra Center, where prayers services are still offered.
The ICofA is renowned for its wide range of religious, educational, and public programs. It has long been recognized as one of Dearborn’s most vibrant and influential Muslim entities.
Address: 19500 Ford Rd, Dearborn, MI 48128, USA
Phone: +1 313 593-0000